DMRE Bursary 2025 for South Africans
Deadline: 20 December 2024
Location: South Africa
About DMRE Bursary
DMRE is currently accepting applications for 2025 academic year bursaries.
Bursaries will be awarded to students from disadvantaged backgrounds, for undergraduate studies within mining and energy related fields, preferably the following fields:
- Bachelor of Science (Physics and Chemistry)
- Chemical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current)
- Electro-Mechanical Engineering
- Environmental Health and Management
- Geology
- Industrial Engineering
- Information and Communication Technology
- Materials Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Metallurgical Engineering (Extractive)
- Mining Engineering
- Mining Survey
- Nuclear Engineering
- Rock Engineering
- Milkor Bursary 2025 for South Africans
- Cape Town International Convention Centre Bursary 2025
- Learning and Development Internship at Coca-Cola
Bursaries will be awarded at the sole discretion of the DMRE and the Department reserves the right not to award a bursary if a suitable candidate is not found.
Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying:
- You must be a South African citizen
- You must NOT be older than 35 years old
- You must be currently in Matric or have completed Matric
- You must have achieved a minimum of level 6 for pure Mathematics and Science in Matric
- You must be studying or intend on studying full-time, within one of the fields of study listed above (undergraduate studies only – postgraduate qualifications will NOT be funded)
- You must be studying or have been accepted/ registered to study at a University or University of Technology in South Africa
- You must be in financial need
- You must be from a disadvantaged social background and from a rural area
- You must be currently unemployed
- Preference will be given to first year students
- Preference will be given to female students and students with disabilities
How to apply
Applications must be submitted in one of the following ways:
- Email:
- Delivery: The Director: Ms. Nondumiso Zulu, The Department of Mineral Resources & Energy Matimba House, 192 Visagie Street, Pretoria, 0001
- Post: Private Bag X59, Arcadia, 0007
Applications submitted after the closing date will not be accepted.
Careers Office is on Social media platforms for more updates, follow our WhatsApp channel.