Esri South Africa Bursary 2025

Esri South Africa Bursary 2025

Deadline: 31 January 2025

Location: South Africa

About Esri South Africa Bursary

Esri South Africa is accepting applications for 2025 academic year bursaries.

Bursaries will be awarded for studies towards a Diploma in Geoinformation Science and Technology (GIS), at the Esri South Africa College in Midrand.

Bursary recipients will also work part time at the company when required, where they may work on projects which include: database services, cartography, implementation services, educational services, client solutions, consulting services, or applications development teams, this will ensure that students stay up-to-date with the latest technology and have the necessary practical skills to enter the working world.

Bursaries will be awarded to 5 candidates, who will receive full cover for their course fees, for the entire duration of study. Students will also receive cover for course fees, textbooks and study materials, however, the cost of accommodation and travels will be for the students own account.

After completing the Diploma qualification, students may be offered employment at Esri South Africa.

Graduates will also register as a GISc Technician with the South African Geomatics Council.


During the course of their studies, students will learn how to plan, build and implement geographical information systems and GIS projects. Learners will attend 36 course modules, and thereafter will be able to perform the following duties (in line with a GIS Specialist duties):

  • acquire data for use in a GIS
  • edit data
  • analyse data
  • share results (either as hardcopy maps or on the web)

The course modules include theoretical and practical elements of geo-information science and technology. Students will learn via a mixture of distance learning, virtual compulsory practical sessions and virtual practical fieldwork.


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying:

  • You must have completed Matric in 2023 or 2024
  • You must have achieved between 65% and 100% for Mathematics in Matric
  • You must intend on studying towards a Geoinformation Science and Technology (GIS) Diploma qualification
  • You must intend on studying at Esri South Africa College, in Midrand
  • You must be willing and able to reside in Gauteng, for the full duration of your studies
  • You must be able to complete your studies in 2 years
  • You must be interested in gaining practical experience in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) industry
  • You must be hard working and keen to learn
  • You must be open minded
  • You must have a positive attitude
  • You must be curious and inquisitive
  • You must have strong problem-solving skills
  • You must have strong ethical values

How to apply

To apply, visit Esri South Africa bursaries portal.

Applicants will be required to submit a copy of their ID document and Matric National Senior Certificate (NSC), along with the online application.

Careers Office is on Social media platforms for more updates, follow our WhatsApp channel.

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