Teaching Assistants vacancies at UNISA

Teaching Assistants vacancies at UNISA

Deadline: 20 November 2024

Location: South Africa

Teaching Assistants vacancies at UNISA

UNISA is recruiting and accepting applications for Teaching Assistants vacancies.

Monthly remuneration: R18 060,80 a maximum of five months per semester, conditional on activation of TA role, not on contract date.

As an Independent Contractor you will:

  • Not be regarded as an employee
  • Not be entitled to any benefits such as medical, office space, equipment, leave (including sick leave), in terms of the UNISA’s conditions of service.
  • Provide your own infrastructure i.e. your own computer, your own internet access and any other office related equipment.
  • Not be based at a Unisa campus or any location linked to the University
  • Work on your own time in completing teaching tasks online for a minimum of 20 hours a week (e.g. marking of assignments, interacting with students on discussion forums, sending emails, etc). These hours should be spread over most days of the week.



  • A Master’s degree
  • Formal exposure somewhere in these qualifications to either: Moral philosophy/ethics OR Sustainable development OR Corporate social responsibility (this must be evident in the qualification transcripts).

How to apply

To apply, visit UNISA careers portal.

Assumption of duty: Contracted individuals will be eligible for activation as TAs from 1st February 2025, remuneration only becomes payable upon activation as the TA role, not on contract date.

Late, incomplete and incorrect applications will not be considered.

Careers Office is on Social media platforms for more updates, follow our WhatsApp channel.

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