Quality Inspector vacancy at BMW Group

Quality Inspector vacancy at BMW Group

Deadline: Ongoing / Not specified

Location: Rosslyn, South Africa

Quality Inspector vacancy at BMW Group

BMW Group is recruiting and accepting applications for Quality Inspector vacancy.


  • Responsible for the identification of the Causes of Mutilation (Scratches and Damages) within Plant Rosslyn and the correct allocation of them to the causing areas.
  • Steering the development and documentation of Mutilation protection requirements for all areas within Assembly plant, including protective covers for the car, sockets for the tools and protective covers for manipulators, equipment, etc. Ensuring the requirements are known to those who use and maintain the equipment.
  • Liaising with all levels of management to ensure that counter actions are developed rapidly and effectively.
  • Where corrective actions have been applied, to follow up on the effectiveness of measures implemented and propose further improvements if not successful. To work together with the line leadership to develop sustainable solutions.
  • To facilitate the rapid flow of information from Offline to Online relating to Mutilation and the requirements to prevent further cases.
  • Responsible for the quantity, maintenance and cleanliness of the vehicle protective covers, to ensure that they are fit for purpose.
  • Responsible to communicate the Mutilation landscape daily report with pictures/silhouettes and responsible parties allocated.
  • Communicate and steer mutilation topics across technologies as a central co-ordination point.
  • Develop pro-active, preventative measures, for example – conduct HOT SPOT checks on wearing, protective equipment to facilitate the refurbishment / replacement prior to failures causing mutilation.


Additional responsibilities

  • To conduct, on a rotational basis, audits on completed vehicles, highlighting the defect landscape for action by the plant management, through the necessary Defect Awareness documents. Accuracy and correctness of bookings are critical to the successful impact of the product audits.
  • Supporting on system checks, containment measures, etc, especially where the cause of the defect is not known.
  • Analysing, investigating non mutilation defects, as and when required, with the purpose to determine cause and thus the basis for containment and corrective actions.
  • Development of training / awareness material relating to mutilation, causes and prevention there-of.

Painted Body

  • Develop daily production shift report
  • Conduct daily RK and DYKO product audit according to the relevant GS and PV standards
  • Conduct system checks on RK, DYKO, and Call out defects as per PMP
  • Perform special checks on abnormal problems throughout the plant and VDC (if required)
  • Verify the effectiveness of corrective actions that have been implemented through a sampling inspection and provide feedback to the responsible Quality Engineer
  • Perform random checks for defects on alignment lie, F2 and Assembly line
  • Respond to call outs from Paintshop and Assembly
  • Monitor IPSQ bookings every hour for Bodyshop bookings that the DPS would have not been called for
  • Buy off Bodyshop related reworks
  • Attends Paintshop audits
  • Sound knowledge of product audit process as defined in MPM Understands risks associated with product audit processes
  • Manage the respective attendance in the product audit procedure


  • Tertiary qualification: Diploma or higher in any qualification
  • Must have a Driver’s License

How to apply

To apply, visit BMW Group careers portal.

Quality Inspector Talent Pool

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